




The eyes are one of your most defining facial features and generally one of the first things people notice about us. But when you have hanging skin on top or around your eyes, it can lead to a worn down or older appearance. Dr. Donald Balder at Mississippi Institute of Weight Loss & Gulf Coast Aesthetics uses Opus Plasma® to perform top-of-the-line laser skin tightening to decrease droopy skin around the eye area and renew your overall appearance. This amazing technology fosters your body's natural collagen process, producing a younger, enhanced, awakened look. This nonsurgical treatment is also a great option to enhance obstructions to your vision that can occur due to hanging skin around the eyes. To learn more about this procedure, and how it may contrast to a surgical blepharoplasty patients are highly encouraged to call our office to set up an appointment or zoom meeting for a free consult (while they last ; $250 value).



What Are the Benefits of a Nonsurgical Eyelid Lift?

A nonsurgical eyelid lift at Mississippi Institute of Weight Loss & Gulf Coast Aesthetics in Gulfport, MS gives pragmatic and beautifying enhancements alike to your eyelids. This procedure offers wonderful perks, including:

  • Providing a more awakened, alert appearance
  • Achieving a younger, refreshed appearance
  • Reducing sagging and/or drooping skin in the upper and lower eyelids
  • Diminishing bags beneath the eyes
  • Boosting the shape and aesthetic of the eyes
  • Increasing comfort by eliminating friction from skin creases
  • Long-lasting results
  • Little to no downtime

Your nonsurgical eyelid lift with Opus Plasma shouldn’t cause much pain or discomfort. We use a special attachment called Calibri to focus the energy in the areas below and above the eye and on the lids too.   Dr. Balder can utilize a cream and local block with lidocaine that will numb the area to make you feel at ease. The Opus Plasma treatment uses a combination of pixel technology and CO2, resulting in minimal recovery time and minimal risk for complications. After the treatment, you may notice some temporary redness, swelling, or discomfort, but this should subside quickly.  Patients often require more than one staged procedure to obtain an optimal transformation. This is all individually assessed and with be detailed at your consultation.  Join us for a free consultation (while they last; $250 value).

When you have droopy eyelids, it can not only cause you to look older than you are, but it can make it harder to see the world around you. If you are looking to boost your confidence and brighten your appearance but are not wanting surgery, a nonsurgical eyelid lift with Opus Plasma is a great solution. At Mississippi Institute of Weight Loss & Gulf Coast Aesthetics, Dr. Donald Balder uses Opus Plasma to help patients reduce visual obstructions and rejuvenate their overall appearance. Call our office today to learn more about a nonsurgical eyelid lift with Opus Plasma and how it can benefit you.

What is the cost of a nonsurgical eyelid lift?


Does the Opus Plasma treatment cause discomfort?


Is there downtime following nonsurgical blepharoplasty with Opus Plasma?